Sunday, January 19, 2020

Parking Fitness

I am always inspired at the beginning of the year when I see people joining the gym and trying to work on their overall health and fitness.

What gives me a chuckle but is quite serious in our overall thinking and modern lifestyle is what goes on in the parking lot. I have a large truck which does not really fit into the modern small parking lot spots well so I have to park in the back of the lot. Once I park at the gym I observe people driving around for 5+ minutes looking for a spot close to the the front door…of the gym…where they are going to exercise. Think about it.

This same close parking goes on in parking lots for everything all over this country. I see people who pass by empty spots everywhere just so they can be closer to the door. They even park in the fire lane (this is a major pet peeve of mine as I volunteer as a first responder and fire police officer but that is for another time). There have been times when I have parked, gone into the store and made my purchase and come out to find out the same driver is still waiting on a close spot (true!).

Drive-thrus are clogged with cars of the people who just got out of work (or the gym) and don’t want to park, walk in and get their purchase and walk out. (Many leave the gym and head straight to the fast food drive-thru which again, is another chuckle I get).

Many of these close parkers are of the 40+ age group who complain about how unmotivated and lazy the younger people are today. Really? Maybe they learned by the example you set by endlessly wandering looking for that spot that will bring you to nirvana.

I say that since we are at the beginning of the new year we not only make a goal of working out at the gym but parking with me in the back of the lot and exercising by walking a little further to get into the store. Just remember to leave me a nice sized spot for my truck.